Our Food May be Our Demise

3 min readDec 9, 2020

Have you ever though about how the way food is made? Most people would say no, and no ones to blame for that. But the way our food is made specifically referring to farming methods, is the second most contributor to green house gas emissions that are contributing to climate change. Climate change is something that is greatly impacting the world today. Causing temperatures rises, more extreme weather, most money costs, etc. all across the world. But could the way that farming is done be the top deciding factor as to what happens with climate change on earth?

Agriculture is directly related to deforestation within the nation and across the world. In a study by Barrett Columbo, he states, “Deforestation and agriculture are responsible for nearly twenty percent of all green house emissions”. If traditional farming were to meet the demand of future food needs, this percent would go up nearly 30 percent by 2050. This would result in 50 percent of total green house gas emissions. This is currently the second most contributor to green house gas emissions and it is a necessity to life, as it is how we get our food. But why is something that is essential for life also a main killer of life?

While farming and agriculture are a main contributor to climate change through their current methods and deforestation, they could also be a top contributor to reducing green house gas emissions. In “Here’s How We Can Use Agriculture to Fight Climate Change” by Rienshce, he states that “Reducing tillage, expanding crop rotations, planting cover crops and reintegrating livestock into crop production system have all proven to help reduce GHG emissions” The suggested methods would reduce green house gas emissions by capturing the excess carbon that it being released into the air and then convert the carbon into organic matter and used to improve soil health which results in the ability to continue producing food on the same land in the future. However, these suggested ways are not the only new ways that could reduce carbon emissions. In a study done by Arcenillas, he states “Possible ways to reduce GHG include capturing methane from manure, more efficient use of fertilizers and better efficiency of meat and dairy production”. Both Arcenillas and Rienshce have done research and suggested new ways that could reduce green house gas emissions and improve production within the farming industry but will these methods be implemented before its too late?

Food is essential to life but the way that we make our food through farming is killing the planet and thus killing humans. So why don’t farmers implement these methods to increase production and decrease green house gas emissions? Well I believe its because of a common characteristic in humans and that is the fear of change. Humans are fearful of the unknown and tend to stick to what they know. But in some cases it is better to take the leap and jump into something new and beneficial. Farmers are reluctant to change due to the fear of the unknown and financial security reasons, despite knowing the change will increase production and result in more profit anyways. This is something that needs to be changed within the industry world as our slow adaptions to new beneficial and safer technologies are to slow and could be the demise of the humans.

